Surface Disinfection - 5Liter
Surface Disinfection - 5Liter Hand Sanitizer & Surface Disinfection Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Johor Bahru (JB), Penang, Perak Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Kualiti Alam Hijau (M) Sdn Bhd
RM 90.00
5.000 KG
Surface Disinfector  standard KKM

✴️ Sodium Hypochlorite 5%
✴️ 99.9% effective in disinfection
✴️ MSDS Certification
✴️ Home delivery throughout Malaysia
✴️ You can also buy spots at Penang, Selangor, Johor branches
✴️ Factory direct, bulk buy can be discussed

Need To Disinfect

✴️  Windows
✴️  Walls
✴️  Tables
✴️  Chairs
✴️  Handles
✴️  Buses
✴️  Machinery


✴️  Non Alcoholic
✴️  Non Fragrance
✴️   Non Phthalates
✴️   Sodium Hypochlorite 5%

Surface Disinfector  standard KKM
✴️ Sodium Hypochlorite 5%
✴️ 99.9% berkesan membasmi kuman
✴️ Persijilan MSDS
✴️ Penghantaran sampai rumah seluruh Malaysia
✴️ Anda juga boleh membeli spot di cawangan Penang, Selangor, Johor
✴️ Direct kilang, bulk buy boleh bincang

Perlu Membasmi Kuman
✴️ Windows
✴️ Dinding
✴️ Jadual
✴️ Kerusi
✴️ Mengendalikan
✴️ Bas
✴️ Jentera 
✴️ Tidak Beralkohol
✴️ Tanpa Wangian
✴️ Bukan Phthalates
✴️ Natrium Hipoklorit 5%


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